Hello everybody! I am Tony, I live in Finland and I am fond of construction) This is my hobby, I started it a couple of years ago during the COVID pandemic, my nerves were on edge, I was depressed ( The psychologist told me to find a hobby, and it became construction! I studied a lot of literature, magazines and websites, the last topic was aerated concrete blocks, by the way, good articles on links: http://urokremonta.ru/stroisov/mater/fasadnaya-plitka-chto-eto-takoe-i-sovetyi-po-vyiboru.html http://stroybud.com/chem-otlichaetsya-ryadovoy-kirpich-ot-litsevogo/ http://euroelectrica.ru/kakoy-kirpich-vyibrat-dlya-stroitelstva-doma/ https://lifecontrary.ru/2022/12/21/osobennosti-licevogo-kirpicha-harakteristiki/ https://fashionobsession.ru/gazobloki-dlya-stroitelstva/ What can I say, having taken up construction, I became not only more successful, calm and friendly, but also sexy) Girls, having found out that I am a builder, are more open to more serious actions than just sitting in a bar, it really works! Good luck friends! |
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